Trabajo en grupo: El Dinacorn

Taller de escritura creativa: el Animaginario

The  Dinacorn, a Halloween creature

This animal is a mix of a Dinosaur and a Unicorn. It´s called a Dinacorn. 
He lives in Batman, one island in Turkey.
You usually find them in the dark and wet caves.
To feed himself he goes into little kids bedrooms at night and puts his horn in their head and sucks their brain.
He dances `The Creep´, the Macarena and the twist,  whilst singing Gangman style.
The Dinacorn will always be drinking a cup of tea and will be wearing a hat.
If you get too close to the Dinacorn, it will bite you, claw your eyes out and grawl like ´Nnarararananarawwwrawwa!!!´
He is also Satan´s pet.

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